Instructor-Led Training Session:
Bystander Intervention in the Workplace

HR Proactive Inc. helps employers empower employees to be the first line of defense against harassment and other unwelcome situations with our Bystander Intervention in the Workplace Training. Content can be customized with scenarios that employees might encounter in the workplace. Our training applies the 5D’s model of bystander intervention to the case scenarios and shows employees how they can make a difference. Best practice indicates that the earlier and more direct response to unwelcome situations will reduce the likelihood of it escalating to a formal complaint.

This Bystander Intervention in the Workplace course has been written by subject-matter specialists for employees to participate in training that will help them better recognize, respond to, and protect themselves against all types of workplace harassment/bullying and microaggressions, and violence.

Our Instructor-led Bystander Intervention Workshop will help employees learn how to safely take a stand and speak up by being an active bystander while never putting themselves in harms way. HR Proactive Inc. trainers provide thoughtful and engaging content in a highly interactive format. Through case study scenarios and discussions, participants are provided with ‘hands-on’ experiential learning opportunities. Bystander Intervention in the Workplace creates a culture of accountability where any form of harassment/bullying and discrimination, or microaggressions will not be tolerated. Showing support to the victim, during or after, when not possible in the moment, goes a long way in reducing the trauma they experience. Let them know that they are not alone. It is more important than ever to make a difference and be an active bystander. It takes practice and mindfulness but everyone can do something!


HR Proactive Inc. offers several options to train employees, quickly, easily and cost-effectively.

HR Pro Hosted LMS

HR Pro Hosted LMS

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SCORM Training File

SCORM Training File

SCORM Training File to upload to your Learning Management System

Streaming Service

Streaming Service

Streaming Service Platform with offline options

Virtual Training

Virtual Training

For 5-100+ Participants. Virtual Custom Meetings

HR Proactive Inc. is here to assist you with your company's training needs.

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Upon completion of Bystander Intervention in the Workplace Training, employees should be able to:

  • Understand the reasons behind why we don’t act and remain a bystander;
  • Directly or indirectly intervene when witness to an act of disrespectful or harassing conduct in the workplace;
  • Describe ways to support individuals who have been victims of harassment;
  • Identify prejudices/unconscious bias and microaggressions, and their influence on our conduct towards others;
  • Explain the effects of social media harassment in the workplace;
  • Address and respond to acts of social media harassment against co-workers;
  • Understand how bystander intervention is effective in addressing workplace harassment.

Topics covered in our Bystander Intervention in the Workplace Training include:

  • The ‘Who’
    – Definition of a Bystander
    – Definition of Bystander Intervention
  • Why Not?
    – Stigma Hesitation; reasons people don’t act
  • The ‘Bystander Effect’
    – Definition of the Bystander Effect
    – Three factors influencing the Bystander Effect
  • The 5Ds of Bystander Intervention
  • How to directly or indirectly intervene when witness to an act of disrespectful or harassing conduct
  • Ways to support individuals who have been victims of harassment
  • Bystander Intervention and #MeToo
  • Bystanders and Social Media Harassment
  • Bystander Intervention and the connection to Harassment in the Workplace
    – Unconscious Biase/Prejudices & Microaggressions
    – Confronting Racism

Each of us has the power to actively take a stand against harassment, bullying, and discrimination to make our workplace and community a safer place.

Workshop Design

  • Experiential learning that concentrates on developing knowledge and abilities through the experiences of the participants;
  • Practical techniques that can be used on the job;
  • The encouragement of learning from the knowledge and experiences of the workshop leader(s) and participants;
  • A participant guide that provides reference material based on workshop concepts and techniques;
  • A Bystander Intervention in the Workplace PowerPoint presentation that can be shown as a stand-alone teaching aid;
  • The Bystander Intervention 15-minute video that can be shown as an introduction to, or to further emphasize workshop content; and
  • A supplemental guide with additional case studies for group discussions. The guide’s appendix features printable case studies as an aid to facilitate group discussions.

The workshop can also be extended by including a lesson on rolling out the employer’s anti-violence and harassment policy. Ask us How to Customize your Bystander Intervention Workshop?

Please contact us for pricing on delivering your in-person workshop, Bystander Intervention Training: 1 (888) 552-1155

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to maintain a safe and healthy workplace!

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