Bystander Intervention in the Workplace Training:
SCORM eLearning Program

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HR Proactive Inc.’s Bystander Intervention in the Workplace eLearning Program teaches employees how to be the first line of defense against harassment in the workplace. Employees have the power to make a difference and profoundly impact the wellbeing of co-workers while creating a safe and respectful work environment!

The goal of our Bystander Intervention in the Workplace Program is to give participants knowledge and information they can apply in the workplace when witness to acts of disrespectful conduct.

Our Bystander Intervention in the Workplace Training is available to purchase as a SCORM Package or can be hosted on your/our Learning Management System. Our online Bystander Intervention eLearning Program can be customized with your company brand/logo.

Developed by HR Proactive Inc., our course material presents an interactive design for education and training, and can be rolled-out in conjunction with your anti-harassment policy or training.


HR Proactive Inc. offers several options to train employees, quickly, easily and cost-effectively.

HR Pro Hosted LMS

HR Pro Hosted LMS

Your own branded Training Platform

SCORM Training File

SCORM Training File

SCORM Training File to upload to your Learning Management System

Streaming Service

Streaming Service

Streaming Service Platform with offline options

Virtual Training

Virtual Training

For 5-100+ Participants. Virtual Custom Meetings

HR Proactive Inc. is here to assist you with your company's training needs.

Contact us today. We can help.

What is SCORM? The word SCORM comprises two components: Shareable Content Object (SCO) and Reference Model (RM)

Shareable Content Object:

This packaging element decides how a piece of content should be physically delivered. The content which is created within SCORM is shareable and can be reused across multiple tools and platforms. It works the same as a standard plug works for all electrical devices, the SCORM compliant content understood by all compatible learning platforms and tools. When creating eLearning courses with SCORM compliant authoring tools, the output is a Zip folder that contains all necessary information to publish and host the course on a SCORM compliant LMS.

Reference Model:

The “RM” in SCORM is a specification or set of rules followed by eLearning professionals. It includes standards for packaging and describing content, how the LMS launches content, how content is communicated to the LMS, and how learners navigate from module to module.

The SCORM Run-Time specification states that the LMS should launch content in a web browser, either in a new window or in a frameset. All of this communication happens within the context of a single attempt on a single SCO. Once the content is launched, it uses a well-defined algorithm to locate an ECMAScript API that is provided by the LMS.

Different Versions of SCORM

The very first version of SCORM 1.1 was introduced in 2001 and was widely used. SCORM 1.2 was released in the same year. SCORM 2004, 1st edition and its 2nd edition was launched in 2004. Another widely used popular version used in the eLearning industry, the 2004 3rd edition, was released in 2006. The latest version of SCORM Experience API (xAPI) was introduced in 2013 and is on the verge of gaining more popularity.

Is SCORM mandatory for eLearning Courses?

If you want to upload eLearning courses to an LMS, it is required to make courses SCORM compliant to track the user’s progress and performance in the LMS.
HR Proactive Inc. can run SCORM compliant courses in any SCORM LMS without redesigning or recoding them. If you are not satisfied with your current LMS software, you can move to a new LMS vendor and easily migrate course content.

1 (888) 552-1155

Don't have a Learning Management System?
We can help!

With our Bystander Intervention in the Workplace Training
SCORM file, you also receive:

  • Leader Guide
  • Professional PowerPoint Presentation
  • Case Scenarios to apply the “5Ds” Model of Bystander Intervention
  • Quiz and Quiz Answer Key
  • Reproducible Certificate of Completion
  • Scheduling Sheet to Track Learners

The purpose of our Bystander Intervention in the Workplace Training is to introduce participants to the meaning of Bystander, Bystander Intervention, the Bystander Effect, and the connection to a respectful workplace.

We can help you today
to maintain a safe and healthy workplace!

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